Gina, named after a character in the movie Thinner, is the screen-used 1960 Cadillac Fleetwood 75 from the movie Thinner, bullet holes and all.
Earlier this year we were able to buy the Cadillac from the movie Thinner. As you can see, she is in a very sad state! We plan to rebuild her, one way or the other. We have no idea what it will cost or how long it will take, but she has become a pet project for SK Tours. We’re looking forward to sharing the progress here and on social media as soon as we figure out what we’re doing.
If anyone wants to help but not interested in merch, you can always contribute to our fundraising To raise money for repairs, we have created a new line of merch dedicated to fixing Gina up here.
We have added a new T-shirt, tote, and mug to our online store. Check it out here
New merch images below: